Monday June 11, 1951
Camp Kilmer, N.J.
Hello Darling,
I have never felt lonelier in all my life as I did after calling you yesterday.. All the things that I had planned to say just didn't emerge from my mouth after hearing your voice. Unlike most girls you excite me every time I hear or get near you, but enough of this mushy stuff.
Say, how about sending the negatives of the photo's we took that Sunday. I'm mailing the snapshots we took with Hump's camera along with this letter. Hope you like them although some are slightly blurred. They will probably get there Thursday or Friday.
By the way, I wrote Dad to take you and Margaret to luncheon Sat. He's a little shy about that sort of thing.but here's hoping he will do it for me. I'm hoping that you will remember me with the same feeling I have when I think of you, and that is constantly.
These northers, or should I say easterners, do not dance anything like the southern people do.We went to a couple of dances at the service club and before we knew what the score was the girls were teaching us the old fashioned two step. It isn't nearly as much fun as the free step style of dance, as ou do the same thing over and over, and besides that I can't imagine one counting the steps with you in my arms. It's ridiculous isn't it.
This camp is named after the poet, Joyce Kilmer, who was killed in the first world war. Do you know the poem "Trees" that has been put to music? That is his most famous work.
You should see this camp, Kitten. It's camouflaged from aircraft. You can't see it from the air. This is a safety precaution from an air attack as we are only 30 miles fro the ocean and this would be an ideal target. I'm glad that we are still at peace with Russia, or at least, we are supposed to be.
I've just heard that we probably won't ship out until Friday. I suppose it's better that way but I wish we were traveling.
Don't know whether I've told you this or nay, but they give furloughs overseas and if a person has the money he can fly home for a short visit. It would be wonderful to be with you during the holiday season of Christmas and New Years . I would manage to get you under the mistletoe at least 5 or 6 times.
Well, I finally found some decent stationery. sorry I can't improve on my penmanship but it seems as though Dad is the only scribe in the Peete clan.
Let me apologize again for the telephone call Sunday. It's just that I wanted to hear your voice again and I was slightly tongue tied after saying hello. Suppose that's about it for tonight so
good night and pleasant dreams
P.S. Be sweet, in other words, just be yourself.
PVT R.W. Peete
PVT. R.W. Peete
Nurnberg Post Stockade
U.S 53061646 APO 696 New York, NY
May 1951 - Jan. 1953
I received 45 letters between Apr. 1951 and Apr. 1952 .. at which time we discontinued corresponding..probably because I was dating, seeing other boys...and he had met a young German woman whom, his step-mother reported, he planned to bring back with him. Because of the things his sister told me I assumed all was lost between us. was with much surprise and joy that when he returned, alone, our feelings toward one another were the same as they had been when he left...or perhaps, even deeper...and we married 3 months later... and remained happily together for the next 58 years.
Nurnberg Post Stockade
U.S 53061646 APO 696 New York, NY
May 1951 - Jan. 1953
I received 45 letters between Apr. 1951 and Apr. 1952 .. at which time we discontinued corresponding..probably because I was dating, seeing other boys...and he had met a young German woman whom, his step-mother reported, he planned to bring back with him. Because of the things his sister told me I assumed all was lost between us. was with much surprise and joy that when he returned, alone, our feelings toward one another were the same as they had been when he left...or perhaps, even deeper...and we married 3 months later... and remained happily together for the next 58 years.
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