PVT R.W. Peete

PVT. R.W. Peete
Nurnberg Post Stockade

U.S 53061646 APO 696 New York, NY

May 1951 - Jan. 1953

I received 45 letters between Apr. 1951 and Apr. 1952 .. at which time we discontinued corresponding..probably because I was dating, seeing other boys...and he had met a young German woman whom, his step-mother reported, he planned to bring back with him. Because of the things his sister told me I assumed all was lost between us. SO...it was with much surprise and joy that when he returned, alone, our feelings toward one another were the same as they had been when he left...or perhaps, even deeper...and we married 3 months later... and remained happily together for the next 58 years.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Letter No. 35


Thursday 1 Nov 1951

   And what are you doing this lovely day? I am sitting in my new office with time on my hands and realizing that I've been lax in my letters to you, decided it would be a timely thing to write.
   Our Commanding Officer really bawled me out yesterday.  We call it by a different name in the Army but it isn't fit for a young ladies ears .  The Sgt. in charge of the department I'm connected with reported me for getting a man's given name wrong on a confinement order.  The mistake was definitely mine but he could have approached me and I would have rectified the error without the major's displeasure.  In truth, naught was accomplished, the major was displeased, I was disgusted and the situation still existed.  I  suppose the Sgt made a few pointers with the major but before I left work last night,  the major called me in and  told me not to take what he had said too seriously.  I didn't...I make mistakes, lots of them, that just proves I'm human, but truthfully, I can't concentrate on my work..  Reason, I'm always and forever thinking of you and believe me, darling, I don't intend to forget you.
   This is a little abrupt but that "time on my hands" has terminated.  So until next time be good and have fun.
Love and Kisses Bob

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Letter No.23

Saturday Aug. 5, 1951
Hi Honey,
Bet you're wondering why I've been so lax in writing this week. Believe me,it wasn't because I didn't want to.  Seems as though everything happened to me at once, and all of it exciting. I won't go into the details though. 
   This has been an uneventful  weekend though, in contrast to the week itself.  St least it was uneventful in comparison to most of the ones I've experienced since arriving here.  There are always fights and wild parties on weekends here in the Nurnberg-Firth area.
Most of the fights are attributed to the 16th. infantry boys.  They are out in the field all week and when they're turned loose it looks like a "Tennessee Sat. Night."
   I thought there were a lot of beer halls there in the states but they 'er outnumbered 3 to 1 here in Germany.  Usually there are 4 on every square block and located on the corners.  In Germany they're also known as gasthouses. I suppose it looks silly of me go to them and drink cokes, but all my buddies drink beer and I enjoy sitting around and talking over "things" and "people".
   I'm glad to hear that Louise is back from Texas.  You must have missed her to no extent, almost as must as I miss you but not quite.  All my dreams seem so futile when I think of the time and distance that separates us. But, again, that's life.  Sometimes I think it's all just a plot to keep me from reaching the unattainable, "perfect happiness.".   I realize now that those hours were the happiest of my life
   Here at the stockade a person can see some of the tragedy in life. Most of the guys in the stockade have Frauleins and its pathetic to see them hanging around just to be near their man.  We, a buddy of mine, came in at 3:30 one morning and there was one just outside the stockade.  We asked her what the trouble was and she told us to mind or own business. So we apologized and hastened on our merry way.  Reason for being out so late...pay day.
   Kitten, its about time to hit the sack so goodnight, pleasant dreams and loads of love.

    I love you,

Please excuse the penmanship.  I'm using a quill pen and Army stationery.
Goodnight again.

It's 2:30 am and Molly decides to come in and see what I'm doing

"we should be sleeping"

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

letter # 40

Postmarked Dec. 12, 1951

Hi Kitten,
   I just got out of bed after 15 wonderful hours of sleep.  It was the first night in over a month that I've slept more than 6 hours.  Since I've changed positions my working day averages 15 hours.  After bathing, shaving and what have you, that leaves little or no time in which to sleep.  You can see why my letters are so irregular.
   Have you ever seen the opera "The Student Prince"? They are reproducing a radio  version of it now.  In fact, I'm listening to it at present.  The setting is the city of Heidelberg, here in Germany.  Germany is really dense with legend and history.
   With a little imagination one can almost see knights in shining armor and fair young damsels strolling through the narrow streets, arm in arm. I sometimes think my imagination is a little too vivid.
   A friend of mine, my former roommate, has left for the states.  Don't be surprised if you see a handsome young Italian standing on your front porch some morning.  He's another Rudolph Valentino, so beware.   He's also bearing a gift from me to you.  If he doesn't deliver it in person he'll mail it so that it will arrive by Christmas.  I only hope you will accept it, as it's slightly suggestive.  The gift expresses only slightly what I feel toward you.
   So dad is purchasing a Chrysler New Yorker.  Wish you and I could break it in.  When he gets it ask him to take you riding and then tell me how you like it.
   Hump is trying to get some shuteye and when Hump tries to sleep he always succeeds.  I've seen him on gravel roads, snow banks and while pulling guard duty.  He's really some character, one of the best guys I've ever known.
   I think I'll take in a movie tonight.  'Care to come along? 'Might be fun.  After the show we'll go to some secluded cafe here in the walled city and talk over old times. .  It won't be elaborate but I promise it shan't be boring either.  Speaking of bore some evenings, remember the night my tire went flat in front of your house? To top this off it rained all night and  the movie was boring. It could have been very dull if you had not been so generous.  Remember when I kissed you at the "Pit" there in Memphis?  I said, "Charlene you can beat that," and your snappy repartee was, and I quote, "I didn't kiss you Bob, you kissed me."  Then you gave me a few lessons on the how, when, where and why of a kiss.  Twas wonderful.
   I'd like to put in my application for an extended and advanced course to last indefinably under your tutorship.  Do you think that can be arranged?  I'll try to master the fundamentals and technique and become your best pupil.
   I must quit for a few minutes because I definitely must shave before chow.  See you again in a few minutes.

   Hello again.  That few minutes lasted exactly 31 hours, a movie and a trip to the American club.  The picture was nothing short of great.  I'm probably prejudiced though, the leading males name was "Pete".  You've seen the movie, I'm sure.  It was "Force of Arms" starring William Holden and Nancy Olsen.  She's a blond -kinda cute like you. Somehow though she just doesn't come up to par with Miss Stallings
   Speaking of feminine pulchritude, you should see Hump's new girl friend.  A combination Lana Turner and Bettye Grable I mean Bettye James.  She's tall, and unlike most German women, has plenty of money. Not that Hump would allow money to influence him, yuk, yuk.
   It's almost 12, I'd better get to bed if I intend to work tomorrow.  So goodnight darling, sweet dreams and sleep tite.  click - goodnight.

I love you, Charlene

P.S. Believe it or not, I'm going to write more often.  This is the first letter I've written in weeks.
I'd give anything if we could be together this Christmas.

This is the Chrysler New Yorker that his dad bought...we were on our honeymoon here.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Letters No. 25 and 26

After reading the two letters posted below I was a bit puzzled by the difference in his tone,  The first one, #25, came across as a bit "chilly"...then 8 days later he wrote #26 ... more like his previous ones...warm, loving and reassuring. "I thought that your feelings for me had changed", he said.   No way my darling!!!. I wish I could remember what was going on then...too long ago.

August 21, 1951

Hi Stranger,
   Long time no see.  Seems a bit strange sitting here writing letters again.  It has been quite a while, you know.
   Tonight I'm being initiated into the mysteries of a C.Q.'s duties here at the stockade.  If it means anything, C.Q, it the abbreviation for "Charge of Quarters".  It's only a practice run tonight but Sat., starting at 12 noon, I'll be on duty 20 hours, until 8 am Sunday morning.  I gets quite lonely about 1 o'clock in the a.m. in a prison compound, believe me. Twenty hours duty without sleep doesn't appeal to me anyway.
   I've received 4 letters from you since Thursday and I'm sorry that I haven't answered them sooner but I've been busy as a one-eyed man in a 3 ring circus for the past 2 weeks.
   So you are no longer a career woman.  It's good that you aren't working but I'm sorry to hear of the circumstances under which you quit.  You'll find that there are people in this world that will be the best of friends when they're with you and will lie about you to your back.  I think you know the person that I'm referring to. 

(I also do not remember  what he is referring to here..???)  back to his letter...

   We had an accident yesterday.  One of the prisoners was killed by a tank retriever.  Now don't ask me what that is because frankly, I don't know.  The man's back was broken and he died almost instantly. Hideous way to die isn't it.  Personally, I'd much prefer to die of old age   It wouldn't break my heart at all if I should live to be a hundred.
   Was I embarrassed after hearing of the mix up in letters between you and Dad.  My face is still a deep scarlet.  I don't care for you reading my letters to him, but the idea of him reading my mail to you really mortifies me.  Not that I care for anyone knowing how I feel toward you, it's just the idea of - well, you know what I mean.
   As a rule I go to school 3 nights a week, have C.Q, once or twice, so you can see how busy I am. You'd think with all the work there is to do there would be a little news. It's obvious by this letter that there is not.
   About those pictures you sent  Thanks a million!They are proff of what I've thought all along.  How can one girl have so much!  I have all your pictures on the wall's of my locker.  My favorite is one of the first you sent.  You're standing with your weight on one leg, your hands are on your hips and your head is tilted  back slightly.  You have on a plaid dress.  This picture really appeals to me.

   Well, Kitten its about time for head count again, so I'll just quit for tonight.
   Good night, pleasant dreams, I hope you sleep well.

As ever,

(as ever ???  as ever!!!! What happened to "I love you deeply, passionately and forever" ???

Aug. 29, 1951

Hi Kitten,
   Just got back from a movie and was it exciting!  It was a western, one of those rip-roaring, wild, woolly and full of fleas type of movies  And you should have seen all the beautiful women all dead and scalped.  I suppose you know by now how well I like that kind of show.
   How are things and people around and about Covington? Got a letter dated the 23rd. and you seem to be enjoying life. I'm truly glad that you are having fun...I only wish that we were enjoying it together.
   My apologies for not writing more often.  The reason I haven't is very simple.  I thought that your feelings for me had changed in the time we've been separated.  Not that I care less for you because I still care for you as much if not more than when I left.
   And as far not wanting your letters, that is absolutely not true.  They mean everything to me. As I've told you before, if no one ever wrote me but you I'd be happy.
   So Dad took you and Molly to dinner Saturday evening.  I'm glad to hear that. I haven't any idea why he thinks I can home for Christmas though.  Furlough time accrues at the rate of 1 1/2 days per month and that would only give me 19 days for traveling and time at home.\
   You know something, Charlene, we need to have a discussion, you and I, about us.

(my heart most likely sank and my body went limp when I read those words...throughout our 57 years of marriage when he wanted to talk about something serious he would say those words, or something similar like...now I don't want to upset you or make things unpleasant, or start an argument but we need to talk about something...for some reason it always un-nerved me to hear him say that)...back to his letter...

   It's hard to discuss anything by correspondence because of the time it takes to receive an answer, but here goes. You know that I'm deeply in love with you and at present there is nothing I can do to prove it but write.  You also know that it will be 18 months, probably, before we see each other again. As you've said before, we each will change in some respects.  Not so much in our physical self but our outlook on life.  In your case you are still in school and there is a chance that you'll meet some young swain with more on the ball than me, and it's possible that you may fall for him...I hope that never happens.  To sum it all up, in short, here it is.  I love you and want you to wait for me, but if you should fall for someone else, be honest with me.  If I should ever care for someone else more than you, believe me when I say, I would tell you.
   As for Spike Jones ruining our song he shouldn't do that to us. It isn't right for him to slaughter such beautiful music..especially "Too Young".
   It's time for lights out so this will have to be it for a while.

Sweet dreams Kitten,
Much love,

PS...I'll write more often, I promise.
PPS...Still love me? Huh???

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Letter No. 45

April 10,1952

Hi Hillbilly,
   Have you thrown your shoes away for the summer yet? I put mine in storage the last day of March but had to unpack them the first day of April because it snowed.
   What do you know, I finagled a three day pass two weeks ago and did I have a great time.  Sgt. Rivera and I traveled to Bremerhaven in his auto...a distance of approximately 70 miles.  We passed through a number of large cities; Frankfort, Kassel, Hanover, Bremen, Bremerhaven and Wurzburg not to mention the smaller ones.  We ran out of gas in the British zone and pulled a midnight requisition on an English Petroleum Detachment.  This was done with the aid of a Canadian officer.  In writing it doesn't sound humorous, but you should have been there.  I've never felt so devilish in my life!  We drove down and rode the trains back.  We must have slept in every railroad station in the American & British Zones of Germany.
   So you like the '52 Ford Victoria. Have you seen the new Buick Special? I haven't but rumors have it that they are beautiful.  To be truthful all the new model autos are out of this world.  I'll probably have to compromise and get a fast horse and buggy.  I'd be perfectly content with walking if you'd walk with me.  How does that old song go? "My old jalopy's a Cadillac when I go riding with you."  Considering all the angles though, I'd better buy an auto, just think of the shoes I'd wear out walking from home to 520 W. Liberty and back.
   I think I'd better alter this letter a bit and get to the point.  Know something, Kitten, I'm in a predicament.  I'm not sure I know exactly how to tell you or even how to begin.  The whole affair started last year in the month of May.  I fell madly in love, no that isn't the way it was, I glided into love with the sweetest person I've ever known  Since then my existence has been rather  bare as I only had the pleasure of being with her for eleven days.  I say "glided into love" because that's exactly how it was;  So smooth, nice and comfortable.  Speaking seriously, Charlene, I get bored with myself because I can't tell you exactly how I feel toward you.  The English language doesn't include a word or words to express my emotions. I could say I love you, you're wonderful, you're beautiful, etc., and then what have I accomplished? Nothing like this has ever happened to me before. The very words I try to use effectively only blight the sincerity of my affections.. I hope you are following me.  To make a long story short, when I say "I love you" you can be sure it goes much deeper than that.
   It's now 2:10 am so I'd better close for now.
   And by the way - no one has written me about you going out and that's not what has prevented me from writing.  I'm neither so egotistical or conceited as to think you are not dating other fellows.  I want you to enjoy yourself...and another thing, I don't have people spy on my girl.  I wouldn't love you if I didn't trust and respect you.

goodnight Kitten,
I love you deeply, passionately and forever.

It's not as long as it has been ...see you in '53 if they don't extend me.