PVT R.W. Peete

PVT. R.W. Peete
Nurnberg Post Stockade

U.S 53061646 APO 696 New York, NY

May 1951 - Jan. 1953

I received 45 letters between Apr. 1951 and Apr. 1952 .. at which time we discontinued corresponding..probably because I was dating, seeing other boys...and he had met a young German woman whom, his step-mother reported, he planned to bring back with him. Because of the things his sister told me I assumed all was lost between us. SO...it was with much surprise and joy that when he returned, alone, our feelings toward one another were the same as they had been when he left...or perhaps, even deeper...and we married 3 months later... and remained happily together for the next 58 years.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Letters No. 25 and 26

After reading the two letters posted below I was a bit puzzled by the difference in his tone,  The first one, #25, came across as a bit "chilly"...then 8 days later he wrote #26 ... more like his previous ones...warm, loving and reassuring. "I thought that your feelings for me had changed", he said.   No way my darling!!!. I wish I could remember what was going on then...too long ago.

August 21, 1951

Hi Stranger,
   Long time no see.  Seems a bit strange sitting here writing letters again.  It has been quite a while, you know.
   Tonight I'm being initiated into the mysteries of a C.Q.'s duties here at the stockade.  If it means anything, C.Q, it the abbreviation for "Charge of Quarters".  It's only a practice run tonight but Sat., starting at 12 noon, I'll be on duty 20 hours, until 8 am Sunday morning.  I gets quite lonely about 1 o'clock in the a.m. in a prison compound, believe me. Twenty hours duty without sleep doesn't appeal to me anyway.
   I've received 4 letters from you since Thursday and I'm sorry that I haven't answered them sooner but I've been busy as a one-eyed man in a 3 ring circus for the past 2 weeks.
   So you are no longer a career woman.  It's good that you aren't working but I'm sorry to hear of the circumstances under which you quit.  You'll find that there are people in this world that will be the best of friends when they're with you and will lie about you to your back.  I think you know the person that I'm referring to. 

(I also do not remember  what he is referring to here..???)  back to his letter...

   We had an accident yesterday.  One of the prisoners was killed by a tank retriever.  Now don't ask me what that is because frankly, I don't know.  The man's back was broken and he died almost instantly. Hideous way to die isn't it.  Personally, I'd much prefer to die of old age   It wouldn't break my heart at all if I should live to be a hundred.
   Was I embarrassed after hearing of the mix up in letters between you and Dad.  My face is still a deep scarlet.  I don't care for you reading my letters to him, but the idea of him reading my mail to you really mortifies me.  Not that I care for anyone knowing how I feel toward you, it's just the idea of - well, you know what I mean.
   As a rule I go to school 3 nights a week, have C.Q, once or twice, so you can see how busy I am. You'd think with all the work there is to do there would be a little news. It's obvious by this letter that there is not.
   About those pictures you sent  Thanks a million!They are proff of what I've thought all along.  How can one girl have so much!  I have all your pictures on the wall's of my locker.  My favorite is one of the first you sent.  You're standing with your weight on one leg, your hands are on your hips and your head is tilted  back slightly.  You have on a plaid dress.  This picture really appeals to me.

   Well, Kitten its about time for head count again, so I'll just quit for tonight.
   Good night, pleasant dreams, I hope you sleep well.

As ever,

(as ever ???  as ever!!!! What happened to "I love you deeply, passionately and forever" ???

Aug. 29, 1951

Hi Kitten,
   Just got back from a movie and was it exciting!  It was a western, one of those rip-roaring, wild, woolly and full of fleas type of movies  And you should have seen all the beautiful women all dead and scalped.  I suppose you know by now how well I like that kind of show.
   How are things and people around and about Covington? Got a letter dated the 23rd. and you seem to be enjoying life. I'm truly glad that you are having fun...I only wish that we were enjoying it together.
   My apologies for not writing more often.  The reason I haven't is very simple.  I thought that your feelings for me had changed in the time we've been separated.  Not that I care less for you because I still care for you as much if not more than when I left.
   And as far not wanting your letters, that is absolutely not true.  They mean everything to me. As I've told you before, if no one ever wrote me but you I'd be happy.
   So Dad took you and Molly to dinner Saturday evening.  I'm glad to hear that. I haven't any idea why he thinks I can home for Christmas though.  Furlough time accrues at the rate of 1 1/2 days per month and that would only give me 19 days for traveling and time at home.\
   You know something, Charlene, we need to have a discussion, you and I, about us.

(my heart most likely sank and my body went limp when I read those words...throughout our 57 years of marriage when he wanted to talk about something serious he would say those words, or something similar like...now I don't want to upset you or make things unpleasant, or start an argument but we need to talk about something...for some reason it always un-nerved me to hear him say that)...back to his letter...

   It's hard to discuss anything by correspondence because of the time it takes to receive an answer, but here goes. You know that I'm deeply in love with you and at present there is nothing I can do to prove it but write.  You also know that it will be 18 months, probably, before we see each other again. As you've said before, we each will change in some respects.  Not so much in our physical self but our outlook on life.  In your case you are still in school and there is a chance that you'll meet some young swain with more on the ball than me, and it's possible that you may fall for him...I hope that never happens.  To sum it all up, in short, here it is.  I love you and want you to wait for me, but if you should fall for someone else, be honest with me.  If I should ever care for someone else more than you, believe me when I say, I would tell you.
   As for Spike Jones ruining our song he shouldn't do that to us. It isn't right for him to slaughter such beautiful music..especially "Too Young".
   It's time for lights out so this will have to be it for a while.

Sweet dreams Kitten,
Much love,

PS...I'll write more often, I promise.
PPS...Still love me? Huh???

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