PVT R.W. Peete

PVT. R.W. Peete
Nurnberg Post Stockade

U.S 53061646 APO 696 New York, NY

May 1951 - Jan. 1953

I received 45 letters between Apr. 1951 and Apr. 1952 .. at which time we discontinued corresponding..probably because I was dating, seeing other boys...and he had met a young German woman whom, his step-mother reported, he planned to bring back with him. Because of the things his sister told me I assumed all was lost between us. SO...it was with much surprise and joy that when he returned, alone, our feelings toward one another were the same as they had been when he left...or perhaps, even deeper...and we married 3 months later... and remained happily together for the next 58 years.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

letter # 40

Postmarked Dec. 12, 1951

Hi Kitten,
   I just got out of bed after 15 wonderful hours of sleep.  It was the first night in over a month that I've slept more than 6 hours.  Since I've changed positions my working day averages 15 hours.  After bathing, shaving and what have you, that leaves little or no time in which to sleep.  You can see why my letters are so irregular.
   Have you ever seen the opera "The Student Prince"? They are reproducing a radio  version of it now.  In fact, I'm listening to it at present.  The setting is the city of Heidelberg, here in Germany.  Germany is really dense with legend and history.
   With a little imagination one can almost see knights in shining armor and fair young damsels strolling through the narrow streets, arm in arm. I sometimes think my imagination is a little too vivid.
   A friend of mine, my former roommate, has left for the states.  Don't be surprised if you see a handsome young Italian standing on your front porch some morning.  He's another Rudolph Valentino, so beware.   He's also bearing a gift from me to you.  If he doesn't deliver it in person he'll mail it so that it will arrive by Christmas.  I only hope you will accept it, as it's slightly suggestive.  The gift expresses only slightly what I feel toward you.
   So dad is purchasing a Chrysler New Yorker.  Wish you and I could break it in.  When he gets it ask him to take you riding and then tell me how you like it.
   Hump is trying to get some shuteye and when Hump tries to sleep he always succeeds.  I've seen him on gravel roads, snow banks and while pulling guard duty.  He's really some character, one of the best guys I've ever known.
   I think I'll take in a movie tonight.  'Care to come along? 'Might be fun.  After the show we'll go to some secluded cafe here in the walled city and talk over old times. .  It won't be elaborate but I promise it shan't be boring either.  Speaking of bore some evenings, remember the night my tire went flat in front of your house? To top this off it rained all night and  the movie was boring. It could have been very dull if you had not been so generous.  Remember when I kissed you at the "Pit" there in Memphis?  I said, "Charlene you can beat that," and your snappy repartee was, and I quote, "I didn't kiss you Bob, you kissed me."  Then you gave me a few lessons on the how, when, where and why of a kiss.  Twas wonderful.
   I'd like to put in my application for an extended and advanced course to last indefinably under your tutorship.  Do you think that can be arranged?  I'll try to master the fundamentals and technique and become your best pupil.
   I must quit for a few minutes because I definitely must shave before chow.  See you again in a few minutes.

   Hello again.  That few minutes lasted exactly 31 hours, a movie and a trip to the American club.  The picture was nothing short of great.  I'm probably prejudiced though, the leading males name was "Pete".  You've seen the movie, I'm sure.  It was "Force of Arms" starring William Holden and Nancy Olsen.  She's a blond -kinda cute like you. Somehow though she just doesn't come up to par with Miss Stallings
   Speaking of feminine pulchritude, you should see Hump's new girl friend.  A combination Lana Turner and Bettye Grable I mean Bettye James.  She's tall, and unlike most German women, has plenty of money. Not that Hump would allow money to influence him, yuk, yuk.
   It's almost 12, I'd better get to bed if I intend to work tomorrow.  So goodnight darling, sweet dreams and sleep tite.  click - goodnight.

I love you, Charlene

P.S. Believe it or not, I'm going to write more often.  This is the first letter I've written in weeks.
I'd give anything if we could be together this Christmas.

This is the Chrysler New Yorker that his dad bought...we were on our honeymoon here.

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